"The little Witch" - The little Witch.40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"The little Witch" - The Raven. 40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"The little Witch" - Rumpumpel Witch.40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"The little Witch" -The city Witch.40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"The little Witch" - The forest Witch.40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"The little Witch" - The swamp Witch.40õ50cm, paper, pastel crayon
"Love to Three Oranges" - Scenery for the performance
"Love to Three Oranges" - Wizards: Fata Morgana, Magician, Cook.
"Love to Three Oranges" - Kings of Clubs and Spades
"Love to Three Oranges" - Claritche and Princess Ninette.
"Love to Three Oranges" - Prince Tartalia: ill and healthy
"Love to Three Oranges" - Scetch of the Curtain for the performance
"All Right Cowboy" - Left: Mr. Samuel Allright. Right: Rony, a Noble Cowboy.
"All Right Cowboy" - Robbers: Paul Banky and Pew Whiskey
"All Right Cowboy" - Real Indians and their National Leader Eagle's Claw.
"All Right Cowboy" - Cactuses Family
"All Right Cowboy" - Cactuses Family
"Taming of the Shrew" - Katherine*s Father and one of her fiances.
"Taming of the Shrew" - Katherine and Bianca